Gitorious' FAQ
This page has the answer to some questions. If this page does not answer your question, feel free to join the IRC channel.
## About phh's Ubuntu image
# What does nvrm_daemon do? #
Short answer: we don't know. Long answer: it makes suspend, sound and cpu frequency scaling work
# Why do we need Xephyr? #
There's a bug in the tegra Xorg driver that makes the mouse cursor flicker. Running the session on Xephyr instead of directly on the Xorg/tegra makes the cursor work properly.
# What do we need the Xorg tegra driver for? The framebuffer works well… #
Suspend, OpenGL ES
# Why is Xorg run in a chroot? #
The tegra driver is incompatible with recent Xorg releases.
# Where do these components come from? #
Xorg: L4T Xorg tegra driver: L4T Xephyr: Ubuntu nvrm_daemon: Toshiba's Android nvrm_gpu.ko: Toshiba's Android