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joost: Maybe include a chapter about what's working and what's not (yet)? And where to see the progress?

ggrandou: My idea was to state this in Installing Linux on your AC100 in the chapter “Which Linux or rather which kernel should I use ?”, and detail each point at the beginning of each distribution howto. Anyway other proposals are welcome (and contributions are even more welcome!)

pibach: I would suggest an overview table on home page, just like this one, but updated:

ggrandou:well would have been nice a few monthes ago. Now, we basically have only one kernel, marvin24's 2.6.38 one. phh's ones are now legacy, ubuntu (aka ogra) is using marvin's kernel. and others (debian armhf, …) are using marvin's tree as well.

pibach: yes. But it would help to understand. One could place that in the table comment field. It took me a while to figure out which howto to follow and which kernel, which www-pages are up to date etc. Such a table would make clear that this wiki is the source to look at and is updated and trust worthy. Also it would explain why kernel 3.0 is not used yet and help to visualize the progress made there.

pibach: I added some lines of greating - as this was the most demanding, imho. I hope it was in your intend, Gilles ;)

talk/start.1317562537.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/02 15:35 by pibach