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HOWTO Experimental for phh's ubuntu

Installing phh's latest ubuntu with nilfs2 rootfs on an sd-card

Get nilfs-tools for your linux laptop/desktop ( for example sudo apt-get install nilfs-tools )

Get the latest boot.img, modules, ubuntu tarball from phh and tools from nvidia

Stick your sd-card to the linux machine and don't let it automount.

Create a single partition to the sd-card and format it to nilfs2 ( for example sudo mkfs -t nilfs2 /dev/mmcblkXp1 )

Mount the newly created nilfs2 partition to /mnt ( sudo mount -t nilfs2 /dev/mmcblkXp1 /mnt )

Unpack the ubuntu base and modules to /mnt ( with sudo tar xavf Ubuntu5.tar.lzma –numeric-owner -C /mnt and sudo tar xavf modules-4dd097f.tbz2 –numeric-owner -C /mnt )

Umount the sd-card and set it aside for a while

Power off your ac100, connect an usb cable from ac100 to your linux machine and power on the ac100 while pressing crtl+esc. The screen on the ac100 should remain off and the power led should light up.

Surf to the folder where you unpacked the .run file from nvidia and take backup at least of the partition you're going to flash ( with sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./nvflash/ ./nvflash/nvflash –bl ./prebuilt/fastboot.stock.bin –read 5 tegra_partition_5.bin –go )

Power down the ac100 first and then power on again with ctrl+esc.

You can flash either part 5 or part 6 with the boot.img. The Following command flashes part 5. Flashing part 6 makes the ac100 boot straight into ubuntu, but destroys android ( sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./nvflash/ ./nvflash/nvflash –wait –bl ./prebuilt/fastboot.stock.bin –download 5 /the/path/to/boot.img –go )

Nvflash should say that the flashing was succesfull and you can power off the ac100 by pressing the power button for a few seconds.

Stick the sd-card to the ac100 and power on while pressing home and select 1 (if you flashed part 6, you won't have to press home)

You should soon get in front of the typical ubuntu setup assistant, which will ask you your name, where you live etc.

Final setup Edit /L4T/etc/X11/xorg.conf, so your alt+gr key gets recognized properly ( add Option “XkbModel” “pc105” and Option “XkbLayout” “fi” the last argument is the countrycode )

fetch the lid-switch-daemon, install it in /usr/sbin, and edit /etc/rc.local so it is launched with “-b” or “-s” – it will put the box to sleep when you close the lid

while you're editing /etc/rc.local, replace /button by /usr/sbin/button

Wifi works by first entering echo 1 > /proc/test_program/wifi3g and then sudo ifconfig ra0 down and sudo ifconfig ra0 up.

Now do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and get nilfs-tools (you should also read about maintaining nilfs).


Internal setup Installing on the internal emmc works the same way. Just use usb and androids usb-file sharing to connect the ac100 partition 14 to your linux-machine and don't create a new partition, just format it and follow instructions above. If you have problems, come to IRC Please fix problems on this guide if you spot them -gildean

howtoexp.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/11 18:39 by ggrandou