DELETEME ====== wetpaint - Install Linux ====== _The following content is still under construction_ # DEV TOOLS# Install Nvidia linux4tegra development tools [here]( : `cd ~` `mkdir ac100` `cd ac100` `wget` `tar -zxvf` `sh ./` # BACKUP# `cd ~/ac100` `cd linux4tegra/nvflash/` Completely power off your AC100 : hold **"Power switch"** for 10s Plug and USB to micro-USB cable, form your AC100 (micro-USB), and your computer (USB) Press **CTRL** + **ESC** keys continuously and press **"Power switch"** for 3 sec. Release **"Power switch"**, withe led will turn on in 2-3 second, release **CTRL** + **ESC** keys become root : `su` or `sudo su` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash --bl ../prebuilt/fastboot.stock.bin --go` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --getpartitiontable partitiontable.txt` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 2 part-2.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 3 part-3.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 4 part-4.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 5 part-5.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 6 part-6.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 7 part-7.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 8 part-8.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 9 part-9.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 10 part-10.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 11 part-11.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 12 part-12.img` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 13 part-13.img` As part 14 is user data, if you have no data, you can jump this step. `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash -r --read 14 part-14.img` (very,very,very long and end with an error : it's normal don't panic) Completely power off your AC100 : hold **"Power switch"** for 10s (release when screen blink.) # INSTALL phh UBUNTU # **GET FILES** `cd ~/ac100` `wget` `wget` ** GET YOUR KERNEL PARAMETER ** if not in : [[CommandLine]] boot android and install : Term.apk from [here]( Install : Term.apk Open Terminal application previously installed put an SDCARD or USB KEY type : `mount` find line where your sdcard or key are : example : /storage/sdcard0-disk1 type : `dmesg > /storage/sdcard0-disk1/dmesg.log` `sync` power off your AC100 Go to your Main computer, mount the sdcard : type : `cat /pathto:yourmoutedsdcard/ dmesg.log | grep "command line"` result something like this : `<5>[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: mem=448M@0M nvmem=64M@448M vmalloc=320M video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:300:a00:800,boot:d00:1000:800,mbr:1d00:200:800,system:1f00:25800:800,cache:27700:32000:800,misc:59700:400:800,userdata:59c00:9a600:800 ` now : `cd ~/ac100` `wget` `tar -zxvf bootimg.tar.gz` `cd bootimg` `make` `cp ../boot.img ./` `./unpack_bootimg boot.img` **replace the value by your result above in order to have : ** `./make_bootimg boot.img zImage initrd.img -c 'mem=448M@0M nvmem=64M@448M vmalloc=320M video=tegrafb console=tty0 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 quiet splash elevator=noop tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:300:a00:800,boot:d00:1000:800,mbr:1d00:200:800,system:1f00:25800:800,cache:27700:32000:800,misc:59700:400:800,userdata:59c00:9a600:800'` `cp ./boot.img ../myboot.img` **or just update the boot comand line in downloaded boot.img via abootimg** (confirmed to work on debian 6) syntax: $ abootimg -u boot.img -c "cmdline = mem=448M@0M nvmem=64M@448M vmalloc=320M video=tegrafb console=tty0 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 quiet splash elevator=noop tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:700:a00:800,boot:1100:1000:800,mbr:2100:200:800,system:2300:25800:800,cache:27b00:32000:800,misc:59b00:400:800,userdata:5a000:9a600:800" **replace the value "cmdline.... " by your result (cmdline) above.** ** BOOTLOADER** Completely power off your AC100 : hold **"Power switch"** for 10s Plug and USB to micro-USB cable, form your AC100 (micro-USB), and your computer (USB) Press **CTRL** + **ESC** keys continuously and press **"Power switch"** for 3 sec. Release **"Power switch"**, withe led will turn on in 2-3 second, release **CTRL** + **ESC** keys `cd ~/ac100` `cd linux4tegra/nvflash/` become root : `su` or `sudo su` `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./nvflash --bl ../prebuilt/fastboot.stock.bin --download 5 ../../myboot.img` Completely power off your AC100 : hold **"Power switch"** for 10s (release when screen blink.) ** PRE-INSTALL UBUNTU ** insert a 4G USB key, or SD card on your computer `dmesg | tail -50 | grep "logical blocks"` example result : -> sd 14:0:0:0: [**sdc**] 7821183 512-byte logical blocks: (**4.00 GB**/3.72 GiB) ** VERIFY sdc and size** to avoid destroying your main system !! become root : `su` or `sudo su` `umount /dev/sdc1` `umount /dev/sdc2` `umount /dev/sdc3` ... `fdisk /dev/sdc` verify : one only partition ( ' p ' to print) verify type of partition : ( ' t ' partition 1, type 83 ) save ' wq ' `mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc1` `mkdir /mnt/tempo` `mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/tempo` `cd ~/ac100` `tar --lzma -xvf Ubuntu5.tar.lzma --numeric-owner -C /mnt/tempo/` `sync` `umount /mnt/tempo` Unplug your USB key, or SD card. **RUN UBUNTU ** Completely power off your AC100 : hold **"Power switch"** for 10s insert your 4G USB key, or SD card on your AC100 Press **HOME** key continuously and press **"Power switch"** for 3 sec. Release **"Power switch"**, withe led will turn on in 2-3 second, release **HOME** key type '1' when prompting for recovery. Let the installer came up. **Enable the Network** continue install you're done.