I am using fluxbox and wanted to make the brightness-keys work. Here are the 3 scripts I mapped to the brightness keys (~/.fluxbox/keys) /usr/local/bin/backlight_inc #!/bin/bash backlight="/sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight/brightness" current=$(cat $backlight) new=$((current +25)) if [ $new -gt 255 ]; then new=255 fi echo $new > $backlight /usr/local/bin/backlight_dec #!/bin/bash backlight="/sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight/brightness" current=$(cat $backlight) new=$((current - 25)) if [ $new -lt 0 ]; then new=0 fi echo $new > $backlight use new=3 if you don't want your screen to go black on the lowest setting /usr/local/bin/backlight_toggle #!/bin/bash old_file="/tmp/.old_backlight" backlight="/sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight/brightness" current=$(cat $backlight) if [ $current -eq 0 ]; then cat $old_file > $backlight else echo $current > $old_file echo 0 > $backlight fi Finally I had to create a udev-rule to make the whole thing work as a normal user ("normal" as in "in the admin group"): /etc/udev/rules.d/99-backlight-permissions.rules KERNEL=="pwm-backlight" SUBSYSTEM=="backlight" RUN+="/bin/chmod 664 /sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight/brightness" KERNEL=="pwm-backlight" SUBSYSTEM=="backlight" RUN+="/bin/chgrp admin /sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight/brightness"