{{::woa_outdated.gif?nolink&200 |}}
====== Applications' Corner ======
===== xorg =====
===== opengles =====
===== flash =====
* Download this [[http://kotelett.no/ac100/phh/Android2.2/libflashplayer.so|file]] (10,1,120,10) and put it into your plugin directory of your browser. (newer version of plugin: see below)
* For firefox it could be /usr/lib/firefox6.0/plugins.
* For chrome it is /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/. Start chrom{e/ium} using ''chromium-browser %%--%%allow-outdated-plugins''
Note. The player is known to work if properitary video driver installed (see L4T contents)
Note. Another version of [[http://ac100.wikispaces.com/file/view/libflashplayer.so/284969210/libflashplayer.so|libflashplayer.so]] from Atrix (10,2,157,51)
===== mplayer2 =====
If you encounter this error message:
mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol __aeabi_d2lz, version LIBAVFORMAT_53 not defined in file libavformat.so.53 with link time reference
while trying **mplayer** command under under Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric), see post [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+bug/921621/comments/6|#6]] in this bugreport [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+bug/921621|#921621]] for a solution.
If you try to recompile by own means, don't forget to append the correct repository in order to avoid an error message due to unkown package:
echo 'deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric main restricted universe' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
The resulting package [[http://dl.free.fr/asVK0DSTn/mplayer2_2.0-134-g84d8671-2build1_armel.deb|mplayer2_2.0-134-g84d8671-2build1_armel.deb]] (store it in /tmp) need to be installed for replacing the broken package:
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/mplayer2/mplayer2_2.0-134-g84d8671-2build1_armel.deb
wget -P /tmp -c http://web.ccpgamescdn.com/videos/pilotorientation/EVE_CDIA_PilotOrientation_720p.wmv
mplayer -quiet -fs -vo x11 /tmp/EVE_CDIA_PilotOrientation_720p.wmv
===== omxplayer =====
===== chromium browser =====
* Please use this [[http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html?path=Arm/|Daily builds]].
* Download, unzip and start chrome :-)
* For flash see above, for webgl use ''chromium-browser %%--%%use-gl=egl %%--%%ignore-gpu-blacklist''
===== bluetooth audio =====
* Please follow this preparing [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset|guide]] until step 9.
* Download this script file {{connect_headset.tar}}.
* Every time you want to connect to your active bluetooth headset start the containing script.
===== Known working software running on a Gentoo-Installation =====
==== Command Prompt Tools ====
* GCC Compiler
* VIM - Editor
* MC - Midnight-Commander - Filemanager
* LSUSB - List USB-Devices
* LSPCI - List PCI-Devices
* HWINFO - List Information about the Hardware inside the system
* APLAY - Alsa Audio Player
* ALSAMIXER - Audio Codec Control
==== Graphical Frontend Software ====
* GDM - Login manager
* LXDE - Desktop Environment
* LXMusik - A Music jukebox
* Networkmanager
* Evince - PDF-Reader
* Firefox - Web-Browser
* Inkscape - SVG Vector Drawing Tool
* Audacity - Audio Editor
* Cheese - Web-CAM-Tool
* Gnome-Mplayer
* Sylpheed - small footprint E-Mail-Client
* Leafpad - Text Editor